Fiction Writing; Spring 2016
Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
I completely forgot but posting anyways end of semester feedback
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Saying goodbye
Saturday, May 21, 2016
I will have from this English class good memories that will last forever. All the stories that were read the last day of class were amazing. All of them came from our own inspiration. I want to Thank you Professor Talbird for helping us to bring out our abilities and your encouragement. I might not remember all the names of all the classmates of English class 221 Spring 2016 but I will remember your faces. I might still see a few of you around the hallways in the fall 2016 here in Queensborough. For those that are graduating I wish you good luck in your future endeavors . I wish you all a healthy and happy summer.
So long
These past few months have been better than I could've asked for. When I picked this class onlinr I thought to myself, "I have no idea how this class is going to be. Will I even like it?" well now i can honestly say this was my favorite class. As for my original group of Charles, and Christian, I give you guys credit for being able to deal with me. Gotta give credit to the professor for being the Matchmaker lmao. I apologize again for the 20 minute reading. It was a longer 5 minutes than I thought 😁. Professor you have some great teaching techniques. Since day 1 you've proved to love your job here. Love you all. Hopefully we'll run into each other people.
RIP Isaiah
Friday, May 20, 2016
Nice Job to All from the last class & party
Messi Gatorade by
Mr Abraham, excellent story, excellent use of props; wearing the shirt as well as the audio/video presentation!!! You set the bar pretty high!!! Nice job dude! Your opening forward dedicating to your group, thanking the class and the professor or spoken like a true gentleman!
Christian "Quinn's Journey"...
It's always good for us to check in on Quinn in our little group in the corner with me you and Eddie as the original three… Although Quinn has seen better days but for you Christian the best is yet to come!
The Angel, named Love
"All Angels have a Real Name"
Beautifully Written & Presented!!!
"War Hero" You impressed me bro!!! Hard work does pay off!!!
The Strength of a Survivor Story
Rose, Beautiful, poignant and inspirational... Keep in touch
Nods to:
Ruth's waitress and the customer
Catchin a Rap & making a date
Western Body Eastern Mind
"I would kill to stay alive"...
Please Stop killing Mermaids
Let's shoot the "Booger Goblin" with a "Snot Rocket"
Daphne's Bloodlust continues?
A poignant survivor story, attention grabbing and well written but surprisingly less deaths from Daphne, LOL
Never let a man see you cry...
which Annie song was that again?
"There is no such thing as a hopeless situation"
Kadija silent offering
The trouble ... ??
Where to blow it" How does that African saying go again?
The story with only 3 letters but 18+pages, read in only 5 minutes...? I want to work in a hotel in the hospital business but now I wonder if it safe?
As I finish the last of the treats from the party and my last cupcake (thank you Pam & Fam) I realize that I had a Great Semester with my English Crew!!!
You guys and Gals not only work hard but you poured out your hearts in the stories that you shared!!! Thank you classmates!
This class made me read, but not by force. This class made me write, so much I stayed up many a night.
Other classes claimed to be "writing intensive" by sneaking in a paper at the midterm or the final. None of them compare in comparison to this course.
None of this is a complaint, my gratitude is because I was able to empty my mind and pour out my heart without restraint. I don't know if I could do it again, but from the semester I know I benefited in the end.
Thank you Professor Talbird!
Thank you fellow classmates!
It was an honor to share the semester with you all!
PS I invite you all to keep in touch if you are on Facebook, either please follow me or friend request me: Chuck Kellerman "I am Iron Man"