Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Mr. Voice

This story started when Tanya was nine then, and Mother thirty- one.  Mother was a stunner, Tanya had never seen her father. My mother’s motto in 1974;” Come on Tanya no Dawdling.”   Mr. Voice was fifty then,  twenty years older than her mother. His name was Claude Almond. Her mother married him. Tanya met her stepbrother Brian. Brian made Tanya was happy with music. Tanya’s mother name was Linda. Claude worked to secure the rights to the books. He was not Mr. Voice anymore. Mother set up guitar lessons for Brian with Allen. But Allen dated Linda. Tanya was thirteen, Clay tried to rape her, last moment Claude came home from work and rescued her. Next year, Linda was killed.Linda’s two sisters offered to let Tanya come live with them, but Claude said. “Tell them you have a home.” Brian was gay but he was Tanya’s first lover. They met each other at Claude’s funeral. Tanya became a special-Ed teacher, then assistant principal, and now an principal of a middle school, had a good husband, had two daughters ,Joey and Meagan.but her own daughter Meaghan got the tattoos and piercings. But Tanya can’t say that she blamed her daughter.  Tanya looks like her mother, Meaghan look like Tanya. She can’t blame her daughter. Tanya always wanted to her girls to be their own people, not to think their fate was tied to bone structure.  
This is great story. Tanya was very lucky to had good father, Mr. Voice. Claude was really great person.  Tanya’s  mother were killed by accident, When Tanya was fourteen.  Claude knew immorality between her mother and Allen. But Mr. Voice took care of Tanya same as his own daughter.              

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