This class was the "surprise class" of this semester that I didn't know that I needed to graduate and had no idea I would be able to handle and enjoy as well.
I can NOT believe how much reading and writing was accomplished...
I don't know how you (Professor Talbird feel about us) or others in the class feel about themselves but I can say that I exceeded my own expectations by not only keeping pace with the courses' workload but also liking it!!!... except for that one story..."The Fugue"... Maybe I will give it another chance over the Summer (after the Summer Session in June).
To my fellow classmates and Professor Talbird,
Thank you for a Great Class and a Great Semester!
Good Luck on Finals, Have a Great Summer!
Best Wishes to you all in your Future Endeavors!!!
Sincerely Yours,
PS I will be "graduating" in June but not going to Graduation as I booked a Last Minute Cruise :-)
That's a prophecy fulfilled as I have been writing about cruises all semester, LOL. "I'll be back" just in time for Summer Session I and will be taking Acting I (AM) and Intro to Social Work (PM) to finish up my Associates Degree "officially" June 30, 2016. The "plan" is to transfer to Queens College... more needs to be worked out as far as "majors" or careers are concerned...
If you keep in touch, I will keep you posted...
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