Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
I completely forgot but posting anyways end of semester feedback
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Saying goodbye
Saturday, May 21, 2016
I will have from this English class good memories that will last forever. All the stories that were read the last day of class were amazing. All of them came from our own inspiration. I want to Thank you Professor Talbird for helping us to bring out our abilities and your encouragement. I might not remember all the names of all the classmates of English class 221 Spring 2016 but I will remember your faces. I might still see a few of you around the hallways in the fall 2016 here in Queensborough. For those that are graduating I wish you good luck in your future endeavors . I wish you all a healthy and happy summer.
So long
These past few months have been better than I could've asked for. When I picked this class onlinr I thought to myself, "I have no idea how this class is going to be. Will I even like it?" well now i can honestly say this was my favorite class. As for my original group of Charles, and Christian, I give you guys credit for being able to deal with me. Gotta give credit to the professor for being the Matchmaker lmao. I apologize again for the 20 minute reading. It was a longer 5 minutes than I thought 😁. Professor you have some great teaching techniques. Since day 1 you've proved to love your job here. Love you all. Hopefully we'll run into each other people.
RIP Isaiah
Friday, May 20, 2016
Nice Job to All from the last class & party
Messi Gatorade by
Mr Abraham, excellent story, excellent use of props; wearing the shirt as well as the audio/video presentation!!! You set the bar pretty high!!! Nice job dude! Your opening forward dedicating to your group, thanking the class and the professor or spoken like a true gentleman!
Christian "Quinn's Journey"...
It's always good for us to check in on Quinn in our little group in the corner with me you and Eddie as the original three… Although Quinn has seen better days but for you Christian the best is yet to come!
The Angel, named Love
"All Angels have a Real Name"
Beautifully Written & Presented!!!
"War Hero" You impressed me bro!!! Hard work does pay off!!!
The Strength of a Survivor Story
Rose, Beautiful, poignant and inspirational... Keep in touch
Nods to:
Ruth's waitress and the customer
Catchin a Rap & making a date
Western Body Eastern Mind
"I would kill to stay alive"...
Please Stop killing Mermaids
Let's shoot the "Booger Goblin" with a "Snot Rocket"
Daphne's Bloodlust continues?
A poignant survivor story, attention grabbing and well written but surprisingly less deaths from Daphne, LOL
Never let a man see you cry...
which Annie song was that again?
"There is no such thing as a hopeless situation"
Kadija silent offering
The trouble ... ??
Where to blow it" How does that African saying go again?
The story with only 3 letters but 18+pages, read in only 5 minutes...? I want to work in a hotel in the hospital business but now I wonder if it safe?
As I finish the last of the treats from the party and my last cupcake (thank you Pam & Fam) I realize that I had a Great Semester with my English Crew!!!
You guys and Gals not only work hard but you poured out your hearts in the stories that you shared!!! Thank you classmates!
This class made me read, but not by force. This class made me write, so much I stayed up many a night.
Other classes claimed to be "writing intensive" by sneaking in a paper at the midterm or the final. None of them compare in comparison to this course.
None of this is a complaint, my gratitude is because I was able to empty my mind and pour out my heart without restraint. I don't know if I could do it again, but from the semester I know I benefited in the end.
Thank you Professor Talbird!
Thank you fellow classmates!
It was an honor to share the semester with you all!
PS I invite you all to keep in touch if you are on Facebook, either please follow me or friend request me: Chuck Kellerman "I am Iron Man"
A professor to remember
A sweet fairwell
"Bitter Sweet" Goodbye...?
I can NOT believe how much reading and writing was accomplished...
I don't know how you (Professor Talbird feel about us) or others in the class feel about themselves but I can say that I exceeded my own expectations by not only keeping pace with the courses' workload but also liking it!!!... except for that one story..."The Fugue"... Maybe I will give it another chance over the Summer (after the Summer Session in June).
To my fellow classmates and Professor Talbird,
Thank you for a Great Class and a Great Semester!
Good Luck on Finals, Have a Great Summer!
Best Wishes to you all in your Future Endeavors!!!
Sincerely Yours,
PS I will be "graduating" in June but not going to Graduation as I booked a Last Minute Cruise :-)
That's a prophecy fulfilled as I have been writing about cruises all semester, LOL. "I'll be back" just in time for Summer Session I and will be taking Acting I (AM) and Intro to Social Work (PM) to finish up my Associates Degree "officially" June 30, 2016. The "plan" is to transfer to Queens College... more needs to be worked out as far as "majors" or careers are concerned...
If you keep in touch, I will keep you posted...
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Story and film
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Last class
Last Post on Blogger... Maybe.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
My thought on the class
Over I ajourd the class and would recommend it to anyone interested in opening your mind.
Video Clip intro for reading presentation today for the ones who miss it
Hope you had the time of your life
Monday, May 16, 2016
Finishing Up...
Thanks for your participation on the blog and in class this term.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden
About my aunt.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
My aunt
About My Aunt. in class
About My Aunt
My aunt
About my Aunt
about my aunt
The beginning seems to be nothing but admiration about the aunt. Going into description about the aunts younger years and finding a man that is attracted to this foreign woman that is completely out of his element but it seems to be exactly what he needs. Towards the end the aunt and niece sit at a table (assuming across from each other) with the lack of maturity not being the only difference between them. Both of their me seem not to be by their sides but it would matter to the niece because the message from he man sends her into a young puppy love mode.
About My Aunt
About my Aunt
The narrator begging the story about how been in another place far where we where born.When people travel to another countries with different cultures.Sometimes people feel distance from their land but if you are a friendly person no matter where you go you make friends and this helps a lot to enjoy the trip or at least have a good time.I believe that any culture or country always there is something good to learn an take from their for example try a new food.
About My Aunt
I love the usage of sensory imagery, I am hoping to get to that point in my writing. I love the vision the writer created as she was heading to Rikers Island to visit her boyfriend. The girl combing her hair, and the term "lipstick myself" was new to me, however I was able to pictured what the writer meant. Aunt Kiki sure was a risk taker. As a New Yorker I found it exciting to read about places I am familiar with.
I wish I knew more about Kiki's parents and siblings.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Mr. Voice and Unsafe at Any Speed
The "Mr. Voice" story was also kind of funny. I was a little intrigued by it due to how emotionally connected I felt towards it due to Tanya's mother. The setting plays a role because it's another story made within a small town.
In comparison, these two stories both take place in a very quiet small town where many things do not often happen. I believe that the setting is what makes the story very humorous because you wouldn't expect such events happening in small towns but rather in metropolitan cities. At least that is what I would think. The setting was a great place to tell us readers of character changes and how the characters are influenced by the small state.
Silber, Johnson, and BASS
- It opens strong and it's opening is juxtaposed well against the closing.
- It puts in conflict two very different people.
- It's got a strong narrative voice; the narrator strikes me as pretty self-reflective and reliable.
2) "The Largess of the Sea Maiden": As opposed to Silber's story, Denis Johnson's story is very untraditional. In fact, I wonder: Is it even a story? He writes in his autobiographical statement that the first section was a vignette that he wrote in a creative writing class he was teaching. What makes this a story rather than a series of vignettes connected only by the same narrator?
3) The "best": Some of these stories, like "Unsafe at Any Speed" and "Motherlode" are awesome, I think. Some, like "Sea Maiden," leave something to be desired (and there are a few others in the anthology that I didn't assign). Sometimes I wonder about what makes something "the best." Denis Johnson is one of my favorite writers and he's well-regarded in the world of letters, even winning the National Book Award. But I wonder: An editor for The New Yorker publishes a Johnson story b/c it's by Johnson and then TC Boyle chooses this story b/c it's by Johnson. Or maybe this is a case of taste? I know that a lot of you didn't think that "Motherlode" or "The Fugue" were as strong as I did and a few others thought. What makes something "the best"? Is this just a matter of taste and if you're TC Boyle (who's been in this anthology himself a few times), then you get to decide for a year? Which stories did you think were great and which wanting?
Sunday, May 8, 2016
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden
I hope never to go through chunks of my life without remembering things in a positive way. If he did remember things in a positive way, it didn't seem like it. Whitman did not seem to love his job at any point in his life. After 25 years or so of marriage, he didn't seem to enjoy life being married nor love his wife in the way that you would hope to love or be loved.
He did seem to enjoy the simple life simple walks appreciate peaceful times on solo exploration missions in new places are towns that he hadn't been in. Or if he had been there, he would see it in a different perspective at night, in the rain, in the snow less crowded or completely congested. I don't know, that's kind of nice… But I want more!
Saturday, May 7, 2016
How Great was MR.Voice story ?
I would love to know more about her and the way she felt about her mother. As direct as the piece was in stating that she had in the end let go. And happily moved on. I think that there might have been more to explore.
Friday, May 6, 2016
About my aunt
The turning point for me was when she was in the jail visiting her boyfriend Boyd. At the moment he revealed that his ex-girlfriend Lynette had been coming for visits in the past and planning to come again, I saw a similarity between her and her aunt Kiki.
They must've been women with lower self-esteem and self-worth and I would desire in a mate or expect from myself or my friends and family. Maybe that's just what happens when you love somebody else more than you love yourself or you're just "comfortable" in the situation?
Thursday, May 5, 2016
About My Aunt
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Unsafe at any speed
Mr Voice vs Unsafe at any speed
Unsafe at any speed
Mr. Voice
Unsafe At Any Speed
Tanya's mother married to Claude. his age was about twenty years more than Tanya's mother.but she wanted to have her own family with her daughter. Claude has won son, name was Brian. he took care of his stepsister very kindly. So they had good relation. Tanya's mother stayed home, like house wife and Tanya could live with new family more comfortable. specially Claude was very generous man.and he had a big sprawling new rancher.
Mr voice
Unsafe At any speed
Unsafe any speed and Mr. Voice
In Unsafe at any speed the Florida seemed to unveil itself as he drove and explained not only the heat but the way the vines and trees looked to him as he drove. It also in a weird way made me feel hot as and agitated as he drove in his caravan. I felt the feeling of how he wished he was able to update his car and how bad he wanted to make the car auction.
Mr. Voice used humor in so many ways to its advantage. For one the story coming from a young girl not even a teenager yet going through this actually in a way gave it a more lighter look from the story. Even though it was a serious moment for her(Tanya), the way she told (or was written) gave it the humor it needed to get intrigued in the story. For example when she has to hear her mother and Claude have sex it could have been told with much more seriousness but instead she added the scenes of what was said it made it more lighter, even though it was hard situation for her the style of the writer made it more bearable to understand that this ten year old girl is overhearing her mother have sex with a man who is old and twice her mom age.
Unsafe at Any Speed and Mr. Voice
Unsafe at any speed
At first he seems to be kind a douche but then you realize he try to help Theo by offering him a lead on a sale. I don't think Theo took it as a favor but i was a cool move by Ernie.
Unsafe at any speed
Mr. Voice
i think its pretty funny though listening to someone old still living their man hood , even though its hard to picture your mother or wouldn't even want to picture your mother doing those things.
Humor in Mr. Voice and Unsafe at any Speed
Both of these places in the story are very indeed funny but what really brings it home is the actual description of the places that are being described in the story. In "Unsafe at any Speed" the description of the wavy streets and how they string all along Florida, like veins in that piece of land that juts out towards the south atlantic is what really got me, and also what helped was the description of the situations which plays also well in both stories. You get pulled into the situations, like Theo's anger, that the humor is like a huge reprieve from that anger and you can't help but laugh along with what he is decribing Florida to be.
In "Mr. Voice", this works really well because it would be simple say his voice booming through the whole house, but why and then when they describe the home and how it felt open, that's when it hits you. You feel sorry for Claude but cannot help but laugh at the dialog of this situation that has lead up from the described place, o cringe but it does a great job of pulling you into that moment.
Humor in "Unsafe at Any Speed" and "Mr. Voice"
"Unsafe at Any Speed"'s humor comes from the loneliness of the situation. Having to deal with an undeserving (at least in the eyes of Theo) boss whose 10 years your junior. The description we get of this ratty ass caravan as it slogs throughout the floridian heat is very juvenile and we get a sense of how mundane and unlucky Theo is. Humans commonly laugh at other people's pain, this just seems to fit as a version of that explanation. When it's read out loud, I can actually see, in almost perfect detail his situation as if I was watching a movie.
"Mr.Voice" has the humor of having wacky characters interacting with a real world situation. I mean having this radio host using his voice talents for the bedroom just puts me on tilt because then I actually imagine real life voice actors and actresses in their respective bedroom with their respective lovers and all I can imagine is them using some of my favorite roles of theirs while having sex, effectively ruining those characters for me. Especially older voice actors, like can you imagine Casey Kasem using the Shaggy voice while he's intimate. I can and I really wish I couldn't.
"Mr Voice"
In these two short stories "Unsafe at any speed" and "Mr Voice" they both portray a sense of humor. The author uses humor to help engage the reader. In the short Story "Mr Voice" the author decided to have a sense of humor when it came to the topic of sex. The jokes that the author was making helped keep the reader interesting. For myself especially as a reader, humor is a key aspect that would keep me interested and keep me reading. When the character in the story said "or that mother put head in "head cheerleader" definitely had me laughing hysterically. I was definitely engaged throughout the entire story.
Mr. Voice
The narrator is describing life events of this couple and a girl named Meaghan.
Claude Almond was called Mr.Voice he was much older than her.He was a enterteinment person .He works a i a radio,TV commercials and many social events. Even though he was not the father of this girl .He loves her too. This couple besides their differences they stay together for ever.
unsafe at any speed
Theo Bitner is new to facebook . Sherril his wife is more popular on facebook .She has more friends.They lived with Ashley their daugther who has not job.Theo work for Ernie selling dental tools.He his not happy driving he old car. He has to travel to Palatka to meet a new customer.He admire Ernie for all his material possetions.
Monday, May 2, 2016
"Unsafe at Any Speed" and "Mr. Voice"
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Mr. Voice
Transitions were so well-written that she basically describe your whole life in different parts skipping around flashing back and jumping ahead and basically covering everything.
I can't believe some of the things that happened and as they were happening I remember thinking I hope it doesn't happen and I was grateful when it didn't…
In and around the tragic but triumphant attempted rape that she survived in escaped thanks to her "father" who really truly turned out to be her dad that I can't believe some of the things That I thought was going to happen that I was grateful did not happen.
In the story all the tragedies that really happened as well as all the tragedies I thought we're going to happen overrule through the life the expression "shit happens" comes to mind. She became a strong girl who is truly loved by her stepdad who truly became an acted like a father.
From her mother's daughter too young girl to a young lady to the daughter of her stepfather to a college student career woman and a mother herself burying her stepdad was an incredible progression story Of her entire life.