Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

In the first second I was pretty confused about the correlation the writer was trying to make between elevators and birth. Then he/she starts to talk umbrellas, took me for another spin.

Whoa! she giving birth to the dead! The way the writer explains the way she feels with her dead baby inside her was great. The use of the wording to describe her skin between the living and the dead.

This makes me feel sad for the pregnant women and wonder why the narrator sounds bitter. The narrator doesn't seem to moved toward sadness but being angry about the entire situation.

No remorse from the narrator about the ordeal.

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