The introduction for reasons for elevators is kind of all over the place i believe its not just about elevators maybe the elevator is an metaphor leading up to something more. The introduction is letting you know that something is going to be happening that's going to reference about things that happen in an elevator or the idea an use of one.
the second paragraph kind of clear things up with the direction of the story the elevator is the symbol of her getting to where she wants to go to finally take the dead baby out of her womb. she is miserable with the fact that her child has past and that its still inside of her like the coffin that keeps the dead. the character is trying to get to the elevator to go take the baby out so in a way the elevator is to highlight to her day cause it gets her to where she wants to go.
the rest of the starts to gets more confusing who is "me" "us" and they are old, I'm starting to think that these figures are either her family that's accompanying her to the doctor or strangers that's in the elevator but how would they know her business. and they are uncomfortable with her facial expressions because they know she is probably deeply sadden by her loss.
there's a lot of depression in this story the mother is bitter about what if this child was born what if this child would have been amazing. she is also resentful to her child that she has now. the story is twisted with the past the present and the future. and everyone in the room feels awkward around her because they know whats going to happen when she gets off the elevator and they aren't talking about it.
The ending is the anniversary of the loss of the child and shes back in this elevator and its probably giving her flash backs to the loss so it stir up emotions that are hurtful for her and her only way to express that hurt is to lash out at someone else because she thinks her loss it extreme and no other loss can be greater.
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