This introduction is describing physical objects and comparing them with the feeling he/ she gets on how that day felt. The way it was described was not in a good light. Objects like elevator, umbrella, and hospital were used. It sounded a bit off and depressing. It would take a couple of times to read and to really see what it is that the narrator is doing with the descriptions of these objects. But I see now that what the narrator is doing is talking about how useful an elevator actually is.
In the second paragraph, the narrator is talking about how the elevator brought a pregnant patient to the first floor that was about to give birth. The narrator was saying how the mother to be wanted the fetus out of her body already and that she wanted her own body to herself; basically her own body back to normal. I was wondering why a mother would think that way but then the narrator said that the fetus was already dead to begin with.
I found the third paragraph a little confusing when the narrator says that he cannot blame that woman. I would really like to know what the narrator meant when he/she said that it was said that this patient wasn't always the way she is now. So how was she before she got pregnant? I'm starting to think that the narrator is an older person because he/she says that the woman was looking at him/ her and at someone else that the narrator was with in a very serious way. According to the narrator, the patient somehow found him looking guilty of something like maybe for being an old person, and that he/she has no regret for being old?
The last paragraph was relatively short, but from what I understood or thought I understood, the narrator was asking the woman who lost her child one year later of when was the last time she fell victim to something. I'm guessing that the narrator asked the woman this because she probably wanted to know her story at first hand by having the woman tell her tragedy herself instead of staying with the roomers she have heard from other people.
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