Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Reasons for Elevator;

The introduction of the short story reminds me of my experiences with elevators. Elevators becomes a symbolism that refers to meeting grounds for strangers to have a moment of silence. Within the moment of silence where no one isn't speaking to one another, lies a lot of thoughts and questions you ask yourself about the person standing next to you.

---side tracked.

The second paragraph correlates to the first paragraph. In the first paragraph, it was introducing the element of strangers witnessing and event. Where as the second paragraph was cosigning with a woman in the elevator, going up to a floor where she is about to deliver a child. Unfortunately a dead child.

This third paragraph is introducing all the things that could have been if this woman had not lost her baby. The author is informing us of how this woman feels towards them and how bitter she's become after dealing with such a devastating situation in her life. The author may never really know how it may feel to lose a child, but being a witness to the shame and hurt the woman feels after running into her a year later after the incident. What could it be like to be a constant reminder to someone's pain?

The last paragraph makes me wonder what changes has occur. The woman who lost her child a year earlier was currently seeing the narrator pregnant as well and feeling the jealousy stirring inside her for having the opportunity of a healthy growing baby inside her body. It was rather short and doesn't give you any more room to question anything but feel sad for the woman that felt she was a victim to something so terrible.

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