Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A-Z Flash Fiction

As I get ready for bed with music still ringing in my ears, I gently place my new Rush 2015 Tour shirt on the chair by the window. Behind me, their debut album still rests on the turntable from earlier this afternoon. Coughing seems endless tonight, thanks to three hours in that pot smoke-filled arena. Dozens of beers later and I am ready to pass out. Every time they perform in New York, I promise to go see them, but never did until now. Finally, I happened to be free for a concert with enough money for a front row ticket. Gas money provided by one of my friends, tail-gating beer and food by my other friend, and the Moving Pictures album blasting on my stereo the whole ride there contributed to an amazing night. Having to get up early the next morning wasnt on my mind at all. In my mind, times when I get to see some of my musical heroes play live give me more motivation to be the best musician I can be. Just as I close my eyes, I cant seem to get Tom Sawyerout of my head and start humming the chorus over and over. Kids today dont always realize what amazing music came before them. Late into the night, I wake up from a dream about getting to hang with the band backstage and reliving the whole night over and over. Many times I would dream about things like this, but this time it felt so real and I was disappointed when I woke up. Never again will I experience their live show because this was their last tour. Of all the bands Ive seen live, they probably have the best musicianship, which really shows during their performance of the classic, Xanadu. Pressured by the fact that I have to get up early, I try once again to fall asleep. Quit having dreams and go to sleep, I tell myself. Rush playing an amazing show at the Garden is what's keeping me from falling asleep tonight. Silence finally fills the room, but it makes me uncomfortable. Thoughts of excitement and music rush through my head because of the adrenaline still racing through my veins. Under the big stack of records on my shelf, I pull out the album, "A Farewell to Kings" and place it on the turntable because I haven't had enough just yet. Vintage speakers sing with such a warm tone. With great enthusiasm, I jump up and start playing air guitar to "Closer to the Heart".
"Xanadu" then comes on and I get lost in my own world. Years from now, I will still be thinking of this night. 
Zipping across the room, I finally feel that it's time to sleep.

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