Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Her Daughter

Annabel, please do your homework. By the time you settled in your night gown it will be really late. Call your father and let him know that you are home.
Don’t you dare turn on the TV, or all hell will break loose. Eighteen years ago, I would have done anything to have a life like yours now. Father use to beat me so badly if I didn’t follow his rules. Go ahead and shower, and get set to do your homework.
 Hurry up, I will not beat you like my father did but will not have you slack either. I’d like to see you have a bright future, you must study. Just so you know, I went to bed hungry on some nights. Kerry my sister use to cry herself to sleep, we struggled.
Life for you now Annabel is like a bed of roses, you must listen to me. My mother let her two kids be, not a care in the world.
Never would I do that to you. Oh mom why do you always have to remind me of your past? Pa is so cool, you’re too aggressive.
Quiet Annabel, I am doing this for you, your betterment, I want you to have a bright future. Relax mom, I will do well, no need to remind me of your brutal past.
Some days Annabel, I had to plant rice with my bare hands, my feet in the mud, I hadn’t seen what a school looked like.
Tommy our pet dog was the only happiness I had, he never was cruel to me.
Underneath it all Anna I struggled and now I want you to be better.
Very sad mom, I feel sorry for you, I will make you proud.
Will you?
Xavier my classmate and I made a promise we will both do well in school, we know how important it is
You make me so happy to day Anna
Zen like thinking always puts me in a great mood mom, you should try it!

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