Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Let's say reflection

Let's say by Julia Strayer
I found this story pretty deep and so real, I felt like I was going through a drama from start to finish. Also the way the author would change the scene and setting of the story. Let's say I'm being robbed , and the title "let's say" it gives this story a sort of playful way around reality. Also the writing itself. It's like when someone makes up a scenario asking for advice or telling a story using someone else. (Advice from a parent let's say I had a friend who.. When the friend is them )As a writer we do it all the time using our characters for our personal experiences. So the narratator sets up this whole story that's real, but it's brought across as if it's just a scenario occurring. The narratator holds onto her daughter in her dying moments but doesn't want her to grow so old. The imagery of the mover pushing her child so young and innocent on the swing. With each swing she gets older and older. Then the mother is shot by the young robber. A connection is made in the story of both mothers the one who is shot does not want her daughter to grow old loving the innocence of her child, I love how she she describes it like when her backpack was still bigger then her. "I'm thinking the same thoughts the twitchy kids mother is thinking about her son when he was little, with long dark eyelashes that made the girls follow after him, and she still had hope. And we both play the what if game" I feel such similarity between the four characters presented in the story. I find them all so innocent realizing as mothers they can only raise there kids to a certain point, also questioning where have they gone wrong. Yet the story ends with the now which is the only place what if doesn't exist...Wether the mother turns him in or let's him continue his cycle , be a mother and wash him up.

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