Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

After the last words (Moving On)

 What do you think happens after the last words in these stories?

I think after the last words of this story, the woman eventually does forget about her first husband, she forgets about the man in the window. I think her life becomes a complacent one. One with no curiosity of what could have been with those other men. I think she'd see reminders of each man every now and then but as she puts it "And then the image will disappear and i'll never think of him again." I also believe when that day comes she won't even realize it had. Then another thought pops into my head, what if she sees another woman from the shelter? Will memories flood back? Will the regret of moving on hit her like a ton of bricks? Or will so much time have pasted that the memories will be a whisper? Will the shelter have completely indoctrinated her way of living? I'd like to think that the process at and the time between these events (spent with her new husband) will mix together so much so that even if she tried to figure that out she won't know where to start looking or finish pursuing. A sad future meet with some triumph would be nice. Maybe she'd even try to find out where the man in the window went. Maybe she'd see him. But then again as she said she couldn't even remember his face so I suppose that theory is out in the wind.I also wonder about Charlie, what kind of man is he beyond the diner, beyond the first impression.

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