Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Little Girl

A little girl needs and wants her mother.  Bad is the day for this child when she realizes she no longer exists.  Catastrophic injuries internally will be ingrained in the fabric of this young human forever.  Damned is the stranger that stole her mother from her life.  Eternity in hell will not be a fitting punishment for this bag of shit man. 

Feelings go out to her and her family from all over the small Long Island community.  Gargantuan amounts of mail arrive daily at the families’ door.  Helping hands stop by to mow the lawn and care for the little girl’s mother’s treasured flower beds.  I cannot imagine the small girl and family being able to move forward from this awful nightmare. 

Just when the family begins to put the pieces back together someone from outside the community finds out what happened and inquires about the details.  Keeping the mom’s memory alive is important but difficult to manage while trying to move on. 

Little odd behaviors and idiosyncrasies start to surface.  My God, will this little girl be able to survive, prosper and flourish?  Not a day goes by that we don’t observe her looking about as if her mother will suddenly and miraculously appear.  Only time will fill in the spaces that will lead her throughout her life. 

Possibly with the tender care of her family, the neighbors whom have all become the honorary relatives, the aunts and uncles which can never be too many.  Quickly they rally understanding that her needs will be diverse and many.  Rotten bastard, rotten son of a bitch, rotten piece of shit human, why was he ever born words spoken freely out of earshot of the little girl by everyone who knows what happened. 

Snapshots of the mom begin to show the similarity between the little girl and her mom as she grows.  Talking about this may be a blessing or a curse.  Ultimately it will be the shaking out of every conversation, every interaction, every thought and feeling that will determine how this young life will live. 


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