Anything would be better than this. Baking in the sun was not on the twins agenda of fun. “Can’t you like call momma or something it’s burning out here” Daniece whined. “Even if I called her we gon’ still have to wait, can you please stop nagging me” Felicia replied with a hint of aggravation in her tone.
Great days seemed so far especially since the lady came to take them away from their father’s house in Tampa, Florida.
“Here they are, I see momma and her husband now.” It was never a time that she can’t remember where she didn’t hate this dark haired man who eyes never glistened even while he was smiling.
“Joy! Look-a here these girls done got big and just a pretty like they momma” with that big smile all on his face. Keep on smiling was all Felicia could say in her head to keep her from mean mugging.
Looking at the car, her sister Daniece displayed a weird look on her face. Mumbling to herself like a madwoman she finally said it as if she has been holding it in all her life.
“Momma when you got the money to go an’ get yaself a nice car like this? Never did you ever send us money to buy us some school lunch.”
Over and over my momma seemed to play with the words her 13 year old daughter just said to her. Panic seemed to reach Daniece face in the blink of eye, they both knew there mother’s history with her anger.
Quietly my mother stepped out the car a bulge from her stomach, given away that she is now a carrier of new life. “Remind me little one, just-a who you fixing your mouth to talk to, seems to me you forgot who brung you into this world can take you out as fast too!?
Take you out replayed in Felicia minds over and over. Unfortunately her mother has not changed despite her condition. Vanished was the courage of her sister and hers too.
Wilma Joy Hart, you see was a strict mother was a stern woman, a woman of ground who always took yes as an answer and never No, nights bent in rice face wet with tears. Whippings they could not forget, the scars still linger on their little bodies in secret. X-rays is what saved them, now its law and money that brought them back.
“You leave them girls alone Joy, you just stay pretty and pregnant” the words snapped Felicia back into reality, her mother is pregnant how and why?
“Zealous is one efforts” was all she can hear after that, her grandmother from back home soothing voice said that. How she missed Tampa already and it saddens her it’s already a memory.
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