Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Reaction to You'll Apologize If You Have To
When I was first reading this story I had two things in mind. The first thing was that I thought I wasn't going to enjoy this reading at all since it has to do with fighting and I'm not a fan of those things at all. No offense but they bore me. And the second thing I thought; this obviously has nothing to do with the title. I thought this story was going to be about how the narrator overcomes a battle he lost by deciding to fight this guy one more time and actually beat him, but the story did a turn to his personal life instead. I liked how his days of break were described. It made me feel like I was physically there too. I too felt bored and wanting to get away from the gym field just like he wanted to also. And I get where the title came from when he told himself that he needed to apologize. I think something deep down told him that he can be a good person too despite how annoyed he gets. I found it funny about the little drunk lady. And even though the young husband arrived back home I really liked how in the ending the narrator just didn't care and he felt relaxed in the moment with the old lady by the natural smell of the ocean and the wind after what was bothering him has came all out of his mouth to be all heard by this lady.
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Really nice response, Jenni. I like your discussion of Wallace's boredom and how it affects us and makes us want the changes he seeks.