Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Saturday, March 12, 2016


1. The first thing I noticed like I always noticed is the title. The title which is "Scale" made me wonder what exactly do they mean by scale at first I automatically thought offbeat scale and or a at home weight scale. Just a lot of things came into  my mind.
2. I honestly did not really get to connected to the story because it seemed kind of dry but what reallyy interested me about the story was the position of the word Scale in the story, not only did it play a part in the story as if was a line break it had a different font and color.
3. This story which is about a war vet who flew planes probably in the war making a life for himself still flying and building planes after the war is over. I came to this conclusion that maybe the word "scale" was implied into this story in that way to give the reader a sense of what the character Art Smith may have been writing in the sky with his plane.
4.The story came to a vague ending for me I'm not sure if his plane crashed because of his lack of knowing the difference of lights (farm lights vs. landing strip) or his journey with flying was just coming to an overall end. I honestly think he crashed his plan because of the fact that all throughout the story is tells about how the view is different from in the sky and how our eyes weren't made for those height. It felt like a foreshadow to the end of the story to Art Smiths mistake with his sight on what he thought the lights were. It was an okay read enjoyed the use of the title.

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