Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Big Cat

The Big Cat

First, narrator explained why he had to have divorced. Narrator ex-wife name is Elida.  She has snores problem. Her family all snored. Elida’s three sisters and their bombproof husbands loved to gather at her parent’s house. Every night sounds were different. Helplessly cognizant, he formed mental scenarios while drifting in and out of sleep. Ambient, earplugs, two pillows over his head-nothing could shut the noise out. Later, after that Elida and he had divorced. Valery, she is their daughter, wistfully recalled that moment at the first time she’d realized how alive with sound the night was-the snored from the women in the family. Valery asked her mother at what age she’d begun to snore, and asked him if that was reason her mother and father had split up, Valery was worried for her own future. Narrator said that snoring had had nothing to do with the divorce. But he had adored Elida.

Narrator and his ex-wife, they work together in the movie industry continuously. He produced film, TV Episodes, commercials. But Elida loved the minuscule: the hundreds of tiny decisions that together produce great scenes. This is Elida’s new vocation, planning corporate events.

For the couple of months after leaving Elida, he had married too quickly because Laurene slept like a drunken kitten. Laurene Schotts was the daughter of the owner of successful sporting goods chain. She is  also a lover of theater arts. Laurene was blond, social- generous, and loved to barbecue. But Elida was dark, wayward, introverted, frugal, and vegetarian.

After the divorce, Elida and he met once a month to discuss for Velery, even when it hurt to see each other. He and Elida next meeting was set up by e-mail. When entered a restaurant, then put a tissue to her eyes. She had been crying a event. Valery had started snoring. Her boyfriend had left her. Valery was refusing to believe that her mother’s snoring hadn’t precipitated her parent divorce. He regretted their divorce. They get back together. Valery had left for college, Valery dropped her suitcase inside the door, she was astonished to see her parents. Valery screamed when she saw the not tucked covers bed, the scattered pillows. They all started crying, and for a while felt miserable. He decided leave Laurene  Schotts. Narrator and Elida would remarry. They made Valery happy, and he was contented with Elida, he knew now, the nature of her true feelings for him.  He described Elida.s snarls had calmed to the loud, gurgling purr of big cat digesting pray meat. Elida’s body had not been satiated on mine, that she wasn’t purring because she‘d swallowed his heart.           
Most of Americans do divorce very easily. Asian inherited from the Confucian ancestors have been reluctant to divorce in order not to break their family, so they try to be patient. For example, after marriage, they have their children, then divorced, they might destroy their whole life. First they give to their children deep inflictions.

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