Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Monday, March 28, 2016


This story narrator described past event first.  After her husband’s pass away, she could not live normal life. Only few month before illness swept him into his bed. Suddenly her husband died, and the feeling of detachment brings mental shock. This “Moving On” title explain whole story. She could not do anything without her husband. After that the Placement Team orders her to pack bags of essentials and left home. They take the keys to her house and her car. The money will go into her dowry.  Between her husband and her did not have child. She was lucky they didn’t. Because burdened women are more difficult to place. There is black market for left behind women, most often widowed. But rarely irreconcilable differences can land one in a shelter. A men’s shelter is across the road. Her father ended up in one of these shelters in Florida. A wealthy woman who had her career first chose him. She wanted to mate. She and her father were same mental problems. In her first “moving On for Widows” they are given a manual of helpful exercises and visualizations. The grief-stricken spend more time that shelter. Years in some cases. Guards sit in booths and observe. The fences are topped with barbed the inside border and looked through the chain. They have to keep strict rule, and fallowed their instruction. Some women always try to escape that shelter. But she is too domestic for that kind of thing.   Narrator explained how she agony her real life and her husband’s phantasm.

After eight month, she is chosen. She met her new husband. His name is Charlie. She is his second wife, she would like kids, new husband said “it is natural fight?” and she can find his charming. She is not ready for this marriage. But she decided she will never think of her first husband again.

This is very sad story. Husband and wife live together, one day, one of them pass a away, and left one have same as her agony. This is the biggest sadness than anything else mostly.      




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