Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Kavitha and Mustafa

The opening has alot going on, why did the train stop and the ladies were told the hide their jewelry in their shoes. Kavitha was eyeing man, shows that she is not content with Vinod. Why were they asking the men to leave? I wonder if Kavitha would eventually leave Vinod, it isnt very common for Asian women to do that, but i have a feeling that she might. There were four of them, and a leader. The weeping man knew he was going to be kicked off the train, and the leader made fun of him.

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