After the earth quake I remember being deaf for a few
Blood ran to my ears and threatened to pour out.
Cuts seemed to
spontaneously appear on my skin 7, 8, 9 another and another
“Damn it all to
Everything seemed to hurt.
Firemen came and went from every direction while I
stumbled around because I couldn’t hear anything and could only feel the
trembling of the ground.
Gregg grabbed me and helped me stand straight.
He came out of nowhere.
I screamed, the force tearing through my vocal cords
“Jill, Jill”, I read his lips and tried to tell him I
couldn’t hear.
Knife like pain shot through my head, and then I felt
myself falling.
Later Gregg
would tell me that I had passed out.
My doctor would tell me that I had a severe concussion
and that I was lucky to be alive.
No one came to visit and it was awhile before I
realized that.
Once Gregg
arrived I shot question after question at him.
“Perhaps you’d like to wait until you are in a better
condition, he responded”
Quit bull shitting me Gregg, where’s my sister, her
kids my mother, why aren’t they here?
“Really Jill, it’s been two weeks for fucks sake this
was the biggest earthquake in history!”
Stop, stop talking I don’t want to hear it I can’t do
this it’s not possible-
“They didn’t make it Jill”
Usually I would consider myself a calm person.
Viewing, or rather identifying their bodies destroyed
that image.
White walls were hard to look at, I would constantly
see the after image of their bodies.
Xanax was just about the only thing that could keep me
calm these days.
“You alright” Gregg asked once.
Zipping around in joy Gregg, zipping around in joy.
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