Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

ABC prompt

Abe talked to Zeth in a lowly whisper “what would we do without you?”
Being tall and strong was always a blessing to Zeth.
Conceiving a reason to have two men on the boat wasn’t hard.
Defeat would come easier if it were a boy and a girl
Even the council would have agreed two men was a good number.
Fearful of the addition of more than two men was something on both their minds.
“Go on then” Zeth told Abe to start the boat.
“Heaven and earth wait for no man” Abe responded.
“Ill-conceived plans are the ones behind your mind.”
Just as Abe reached the steps he suddenly stopped.
Kneeling down Abe began to untie his shoes.
Left first then his right.
Motioning for Zeth to go in front of him with his hand.
Nearing his partner’s shoulder there he stopped as well.
“Open your eyes Abe that looks like a Snake!”
“Probably put here as a test.”
Quietly Abe reached for his blade inside his shoe.
Reaching slowly he flicked the blade open.
“Ssss” the snake hissed.
Trembling the blade was passed from one hand to another.
Unlike his partner Zeth was a still as a statue.
Viciously the snake moved his attention towards the knife.
Watching the shiny metal object with its tongue.
X-rays of the snake would later show 2 fingers and a tooth were digested.
“You can never be careful with an open blade.”

Zeth responded “Which is why you don’t hand a knife with the edge sticking out!”

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