Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Alicia Magana

Fruitful Constraints

One upon the time there was a little boy who wants to find out how to reach a star .one day he wake up early morning to  look at the sky .he saw the sky cover of shine stars and he said of then one day is going to be my. He send a balloon to touch the sky and he got sad because the balloon do not fly that far. He said to himself I am to try tomorrow morning something else. He when to the library to find out books of how to find an object that will make his dream come true.  When he went to do his research he found this most very rare but most beautiful watch. However, this wasn’t your ordinary watch. All it said in the book was that this watch was very rare but yet very powerful. He couldn’t and he wouldn’t stop until he found this very rare and powerful watch. He than began researching where you could find this most rare and powerful watch. The book was very vague, but it said you could find it down south. When they went to find the book they realized that they were on an adventure and decided to record it. While filming their journey they realized that they have found the place what they want to see before they came here. They did not know how closed is that location. It is very small world. We always look for very fun places to travel to but in this case we found the one place we really wanted to travel to. Suddenly when we got there we were reserved in a hotel. Cockroaches were the first thing in sight , fucking cockroaches. I bet you there was a bed bug or two mixed in, that’s okay, that’s cool ill just sleep in the car and be a beach bumb. There’s no way I could smell that bad if I rinse my pits in the ocean water. The salt would sterilize my stink or something, right? Whatever it doesn’t matter I’m about ninety-nine percent sure that I could find some sappy old man desperate for some kind of company with a clean enough house willing to take me in. Tell him I like my flowers edible.  My pillows as fluffed as towels and margaritas as sweet as stealing fake jewelry.

I deserved to be pampered and I definitely needed a break from the monotony of my reality.  A vacation!!!  That’s what I need a vacation.  Maybe I will book a cruise.  I will take a Caribbean cruise.  I’ve always wanted to go. The bahahmas. Cozumel. Those commericials make those places seem like true paradise and even if it is only for a day and island, paradise doesn’t seem like the worst place to spend considering my circumstances. Now all I had to do was figure out how to get the money…. I could always sell my blood… maybe a kidney. Even my sister if she had a price. I never liked her much anyway and seriously, I needed that money. Maybe I’d sell dope on the streets like my old man did. That didn’t get him much but a home in a coffin six feet under. I was better than that. I had to figure out another way. Although I know id be better than him if I tried it. I was always better than my old man. Even though he’d never admit it, he knew deep down that I was destined for greatness and as long as he was on my side he would benefit from it. I knew dealing drugs was dangerous but I had the perfect plan and the perfect people to take the game over SON!. Once I get ki ki and Da-wanda on the  cellie I got this hold thing on lock. You see all you got to do is listen to “Ten Crack Commandments” for my homie Biggie> First you got remember never get high on your own supply or was only get high on your own supply. Whichever, it don’t matter when you got the playbook in hand. Next step gots to to get the bulldogs on to the house son or my wifey gonna pitch a fit you feel me. As that was going on, both of my homies were outside arguing about who’s a better baller Michael or Lebron? Word, beeyotch, know what I mean and other vernacular of the urban variety. This, of course, is scoped by many in the media and elsewhere as racially coded, but let me assure you, this is a clean and tolerant and fully diverse story welcoming all and sundry. Please, come in, sit down, make yourself at home. 

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