Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Moving On

The author does a great job of creating a world for us that is not real but still is still real. The setting feels like a jail but somewhat different as well. We can relate to the narratator in the story, her pain and dysfunction, you can still feel those hidden emotions that remain unspoken in our lives. It also seems that they try to suppress the women from feeling those emotions. Like at times reading the story it wouldn't feel like a weird make believe world but there would be a truth in it that would be like our realty. Like the emotions the narrator  has im sure is what a widow feels, but also the emotions that everyone im sure feels in someway from loosing another. The scenery reminds me of jail, te way she describes it all from the boundaries the the rooms with the floors and how the girls get along through there specific floors. The conclusion of this story I found very powerful in a sense, because we're constantly following the narrator  throughout the story who is trying to cope with the death of her husband, also her connection with the window friend becomes torn as well. So she is left in the end with her new husband, as she mentions her and her previous husband were planning on kids she excuses herself. She speaks from her current situation with a slightly different view, that's someday she won't feel that same way, and maybe even forget that she was once married before. Basically throughout this story I felt as though I was in two different worlds but they were all one at the same time. I love how the author could capture that all so well, it's like we're taken deeper to ourselves in the text, I guess I'll probably read trough it over a few more times and as with anything gain more insight and perspective the next time around. But definitely just on the one read the author took me somewhere.

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