*As jack speaks and I notice he repeats some phrases that may not be important if you would have just read it, for example pebbles, the author draws our attention to something of little importance in the sentence making it very much important. This to me shows the mere reality that he has a problem and he can't really remember things.
* I do appreciate how the author made Jack explain his relationship with his mother Bertie and his sister Lisa. It seems that he is not in track with time and it shows by how he has no idea his mother who decided to be called by her full name gotten an roommate. This brings me to how his mother said if your not happy with your life make a new one, I think she was trying to make a new life for herself after the whole situation.
* Hearing who Jack's sister got her face brutally attacked by a dog one day when they were playing frisbee gave me that ah-haaa moment I was actually looking for like why was he even getting high off of meth in the first place and I guess the after math of the attack on his sister was too much he thought that the continuing use of the drug would make everything better with his friend Flaco. In the end he just realized when he was coming down from his high how unhappy he actually was.
*The conclusion I was not happy with. In a way I'm confused I know his encounter with Jamie who Ive come to think is gay, was not a great encounter and left him feeling ashamed. But in the end Im wondering by Jack running to Jamie for help in a way will just add to his list of things he will be disappointed in when he became sober.
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