Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Monday, April 18, 2016


David Jenkins was rancher. He was twenties, very bright young man, but astonishingly uneducated in every other way. He had spent the night in Jordan at the Garfield Hotel, which was an ideal location for meeting his ranch clients in the area. Next morning at the Garfield Hotel Parking lot, David met Roy. Roy threatened David with gun to ask to need ride. After two hours, Roy met Morsel at Montana. when they arrived at there, Roy said, ”Oro y  plata.” ( gold and silver) this is the Weldon Case cattle ranch and it runs from here right up to the Bakken oil field, forty miles away, which is where all the oro y plata is at the moment. Morsel is Weldon’s daughter. David looked Roy’s belongings: rolls of money in rubber bands, generic Viagra from India, California lottery tickets, a passport identifying Raymond Coelho, a woman’s aqua- colored wallet, with a debit card in name of Eleanor Coelho and gun. But that gun was toy, after that Roy confessed why he was here, he failed his life so for, but he wanted to grab Morsel. Ray was con man and failure. David did not escape from Ray. He became ray’s errand man to make for   black money. Weldon died and Ray and Morsel had been shot by another evil.  Finally he realized he was wrong but it was too late.

This story title is “Motherlode.” It tells whole story’s content. Roy followed “Oro y plata” and David wanted get silver wings too, and after Ray died, new Motherlode follower wanted to control David again. David had to escape from ray. it was his fault.            

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