Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Group Writing

Once upon a time the lived a hobbit which lived in a humble hotel. You might want to ask why a hobbit would own a hotel ,well for the hobbits that are taking vacation from FAR FAR away which goes without saying is quite a trip. This particular hobbit’s name was henry, Henry the hobbit and a good natured hobbit with a very special problem. You see when henry the hobbit was pushed to the limit of his patience his demeanor would change. Happy humble Henry the hobbit would change into a tall fearsome warrior.  Could kill a man with a glance of his eyes.  Henry decided used his new found transformation and help his village. Years went by without seeing his home or loved ones. But when he returned to the village they were shocked with how erotic and manly he had become. Both girls and boys flirted with him. Wives toyed with leaving husbands and husbands asked him to go out for beers or to wrestle. But he didn’t have time for these silly games. Instead he had come back to fight the monster. He said no times for jokes. I am going to put an end to all this crazy things. I am sick and tired of all this bull shit. He took his car and leave the house. He left the house with an unknown destination. He didn’t know where he was going to go, but he knew he wanted to be anywhere but there. He started up the road. The road was unlike any other road he had seen though. It was extremely dark, no lights, no people. Just road and forest. He started second guessing that maybe he should go back, maybe he was wrong. However he decided to continue on his journey and make it an adventure to him what’s the worst that could happen driving through the forest. After driving for another hour he noticed a small cottage in the woods with smoke coming from the chimney and a light through the window. He thought to himself he should drive by or keep driving. After his car accident, he is very afraid to drive car. But car is same as shoe. The car is the same as shoe because once one learns how to tie their shoes, they are able to learn how to drive a car also. It’s like picturing learning how to drive a car first and then to tie your shoes. It’s practically the same thing. It can go in any order.  But since he did not know how to tie his shoe, he would drive a car. He waited until his other was asleep to sneak downstairs and pull her car keys off the stand. He had hid a phone book in the bushes earlier so he could minimize the amount of sound he made. He ran out lugging the phone book into the front seat climbed in and started the car. He tried repeatedly to start it but it just stuttered and all I could think of was timmy.  The horse on the other side of the house was my only escape.  Off went me and max to house where no one lived.  Horses were ruled by the almighty and he would not let me suffer too much longer.  I had to get out of here.

                I finally got the engine to start and the sound startled the horses off in the distance.  I had to honor Timmy. After a few more revs, I popped the ol girl into drive and sped off into the sunset, I wanted to chase it to the ends of the earth. For Timmy, it was all  I could. Drive until the gas was at it’s very emptiest. Not caring about the law, not caring about my own safety. I just had to drive. Drive as fast I could. As fast as the engine and wheels could take me. Hands gripped so tight against the wheel they couldn’t be pried off by any means. There was silence in the air. It felt like everything had stopped. There was no sound, no gravity and everything moved slowly. I was flying. Or at least is felt like that for a moment. I thought about Gracie and our life together, it was a tough time, but they were filled with the most beautiful memories. I felt the air getting thin, I couldn’t breathe but I enjoyed my last moments alive with absent panic, floating in the mid sky, stars all around me I could just imagine how my next life would be. Or would I even have one? I didn’t care much to think more of it, for I would find out soon enough. Suddenly I felt light, I could see my body right in front of me, and suddenly it disappeared. I tried to look at what was holding me up but there was no me, there were no arms or legs or face. I felt nothing. Out from a distance I saw a white light, My what a beautiful view I have.

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