Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Jack July

First, Jack described how much hot in summer sun in Tucson. He‘d been walking since ten years old. Next Jack explained his first girlfriend was Rhonda, she crusher and jack was a reed but he loved her. And he is thinking of Flaco, a school friend, now dead, who’d first turned him on to this stuff-a precious substance whose unadvertised charm was love. It was infuriating that no one ever mentioned deep and dark swamp.

his mother. On speedway, a strip-mall jungle, used to be lined with palm trees and tamale peddlers and mom and pop shops. And his mother loved her marts. She was not nostalgic. She preferred Berti and she was short. When Jack was twenty-two, he met Jamie he was fat and neutered, around thirty. Jack hadn’t finished high school. One day, hundred twenty outside, Jack met Rhonda unexpectedly,  Jack thought, only a year past, she wasn’t girl anymore, as old as Bertie. And when he went home mother have loom mate, Yoga Tights, so he had to leave with some water and granolas. Jack not even had two bucks for the bus. Then Jack recollected past. His sister Lisa, Jack had been with his sister that day-a summer morning, playing Frisbee in field. The Frisbee had gone over a fence, The dog attacked, Lisa shook a lot, refused to eat, her pinkie was missing. Her face, though, was the worst. Even after two surgeries. She was beautiful before that hideous day in Tucson, East Arizona. his sister did not finish high school also. Jack ‘s thinking back to 2000-whatever-it –was-this day-this street. Same year, Jack met Flaco .He let Lisa take the bus alone. After Jack met Flaco, Lisa was going away to fine a good doctor. And last paragraph, Jack still relates Jamie. His shadow growing longer.  

Jack regretted his past. He was the one who’d thrown the Frisbee over the fence, but he told Lisa “go get it, you’re closer.” now missing Lisa by a mile. and  in the end listened to his mother. Jack thought all the nagging little details washed away. he felt that by going fast he was helping Lisa, and all of them.   This is very sad story. Jack could not overcome from deep swamp. 



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