Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Jack, july

Personally I enjoy a good story, but better conclusion.  Sure you can tell anyone that you enjoy your mediocre Christmas gift but wouldnt it be easier to say if it were gift wrapped with some attention and care involved.  The conclusion to me shows the attention and time you put into the gift.  If you wrap my gift up with a decorative expensive bow, with beautiful wrapping paper, (not something you get at the 99 cent store) and leave a little note on it as well, I will be compelled and practically forced to love the turtle neck sweater with candy canes and gingerbread men poorly stitched.  The memory that this sweater made up of polyester which every time I move in it reminds me of the time I hid underneath a stack of laid out insulation in the garage will have to be worn at only on days which i must move around a lot.

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