Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Madame Lazarus

Narrator described how she lived with a Cordelia. After her retirement, her boy friend James brought a small terrier to her to her apartment in Paris. She did not like dog, but her boy friend said that a small dog – it makes you a fool. She has sons, who are grown and have children of their own. They do not like James. her  sons are serious men but James is not.  Her suns father name is Simone. They divorced and Simone accepts James which is in some ways remarkable thing. James and her suns age are almost same. James wanted to trip to abroad more and more. Most of her time spends with Cordelia with Desi. Desi is her servant. Narrator has money and experiences. When she was very young, she found the first boy she loved, then came the war, he was arrested at the end of the war, when the Germans were in a panic ,and they left him prison with no food. She discovered him again, in a nightclub after the war. He     was still handsome. But he had the tuberculose from prison. One night, boy and I were eating dinner, when he began to cough, coughing did not stop, there was blood on napkin, and his face was purple around the eyes, and died. She never forget this horrible event.

Cordelia’s  Dr. the vet called Cordelia is Madame Lazarus. it means restored to life. When Cordelia fainted on the street, narrator tried to make Cordelia breathing, at that moment she thought she didn’t do nothing when her first lover was dying. She regret that moment.

Cordelia was so old, Eventually the doctor made Cordelia sleep forever. And narrator wanted to grab Desi at the last. She think there is not so much time.            


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