Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Motherloade class writing

Motherloade in my opinion is a great story at beginning of the story reminds of the old buddy comedic westerns like Duck, you sucker directed by Sergio Leone . David being the the central focus of story looking at the events through his eyes. Ray being sometimes the comedic relief and other times a tragic figure not knowing his background or how got to be where he's at. The scene that cracked me up was where ray is on the phone with morsel. Morsel gets at ray for not coming sooner to see her reminds me of an ex-girlfriend of mine.

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