In the beginning this story didn't really bring me in so much, it wasn't until the more it unfolded the more the world in the text opened up. This story takes us into the pain of a drug addict, but there's this sort of innocence to Jack that I can feel through the text. It's almost like he's a little kid and he doesn't really know any better, that's really it in a way because he is completely stoned so he Isn't himself. He even mentions how the world becomes full once the high fades away. I can kind of see why the Character falls into this drug addiction, he still tormented by what happened to Lisa and his mother seemed like an alcoholic always who was always drinking. There's this close relationship that he had with his sister Lisa, although he hasn't seen her since she left she constantly comes up throughout the story. I like how this story makes good use of characters and there roles throughout the story, like what sort of piece each of them are to this big world. Even in a short story like this the author really brought the characters to life, giving us a background history almost in every scene. There's this sense of compassion that I got reading this text, like I was somehow brought into the life of an addict, and in a way it was pretty intimate. Looking at Jack as no different not below or above but simply someone who has this pain, and tries to find a coping mechanism through drugs (meth/ crystal in his case). Throughout the text we feel the different transitions of his high , and also when the low hits. It's like a cycle. He mentioned that low point and how it really would suck that's why him and Flaco would always do it together it was always better he says. The entire story takes place during many hours but only one day. But given the different scenes and settings were brought into it can feel like a long journey, and I love how the author created this world for us, because it is in reality an addicts life. Living in New York, there was a scene that reminded me of the many beggars we all encounter in public transportation or just in or commutes around the city, the Scene were he was begging and the lady hopped into the sedan saying "no tengo, no tengo".
I really liked this story, and could feel this deep compassion for this character, it's like his dysfunction seemed like just running away from the pain. And it doesn't always means resulting to drugs, some people drink, or drill themselves into there phones to deal with the unease, which just like his high always comes with an emptiness and low. The author have it a sense of lightness as well in how the mind of Jack was innocent and it created some funny scenes.
Great response, Cristian!