Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Class Collaboration

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful woman. She was the most beautiful woman in all the land. Her beautiful long blonde hair, and her eyes that were Caribbean blue. She never realized her beauty, but everyone across the land did. She lived with her sister, who wasn’t that much older than her. Their parents had died a long time ago, when she was about 7 and her sister was 9 at the time. Her parents died when a huge wave came and swept the boat off to sea. Everyone across the land didn’t know  if they were dead or not. Everyone assumed they were dead because they had been missing at sea for almost 2 weeks, when everyone realized that something was wrong when they didn’t come back. That left her and her sister to fend for themselves. Then the sisters decided that they would start to prepare a life without them they did all the grown up things such as cooking and cleaning and growing food. As time went on the sisters noticed that they weren’t coming back and decided that it’s best to keep a memorial in their honor. On the day of  graduation of their honor. They decided to bring all the people they knew. Some people barged in the graduation like if it were some random party. All of a sudden drinks were being brought and loud music was played. The original people that were invited to the ceremony were shocked and didn’t know how to throw them out so they decided to party along with them. Chips were being tossed all around and eventually a glass broke and everything had been great until the glass was in someone’s arm or leg or something. There was just blood everywhere. But some people were too drunk or too high to notice. Someone had the balls to call the police though. And the red and blue lights of the police cars and the ambulance cut through the atmosphere like cake.  Ah, cake.  I can remember having my first piece over the dead body of the joker.  Robin stood by me as I spilled the crumbs of pistachio mint chai on the soulless course of my would be killer.  Robins dog watch and licked up any remains left on the jokers face.  His makeup getting on the dog until finally the dog turned on us and laughed like the joker. It was THE MASK. 

I did not like this alter ego.  No longer sweet and loveable this dog actually seems arrogant and malicious.  I feel like this dog is about to attack me.
As if this dog is just a killer in waiting. I wonder what has made this way. Bad time growing p at the pound? Not enough milk from his mama when he was born? Where could this creature have learned such two-faced behavior? It was as if I was facing a cartoon. How do you fight something that can flip an innocence switch and then bite my ankle I the same motion? I had to be strong. There had to be a way to be the good one and the bad one all at the same time. He needed to learn who was boss and I was going to teach him. I took him outside and pulled on his leash. He didn’t want to go by the tree, he wanted to go on the side of the pool. If you don’t want to obey I will throw you inside the pool. I tugged on his leash, we all knew I would never do that to him, it was a bluff. We walked to the front of the house where we came across a van that was never here before. Are they new in town? He started to bark toward the van, “ thay has a sense about these things”. I knew something was suspicious when we saw the curtain drawn back as soon as we laid eyes on the house. “ Well why do you send us the address so we can check the house ourselves said the missus”.” Madam I’m so sorry but you need  to be with an agent to see the house” said the agent. When she heard this her hopes were dashed. But then, driving home, she thought to herself: “What if I go back? What if I go back tonight when the moon is full, throw a brick through the window and climb in and slither across the floor, giving myself a tour. Do I really need an agent to show me the way?” And that’s what she did. When she arrived in the cute little suburban neighborhood, everyone seemed to be asleep at that time. She said I am going to explore this city at my own. She started walking and walking then  she saw that some houses still had left the light on in the rooms .She tough ‘if I get tired later on I am going to knock one of the house that still have the light on’’. She was remembering her pass  at the same time why she was thinking’’ why she was  doing that to be alone just to add more experiences in her life’’.

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