Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Once upon a time, David and Soo wanted to have a baby. After they married they waited their won baby
about five years. Finally they have their own baby. Her name is sage. They did not know how much hard
to bringing up the baby. They need somebody’s help. They  are looking for someone who already knows how to take care of infants, like maybe a babysitter, but that became difficult for them since they were on vacation and no one near them spoke their language. They had to stay here for one whole month so they had no other choice but to watch youtube videos and see how other parents take care of their own children.  They had thought, watching you tube videos would prepare them for the coming of their first child. Oh, how they were wrong. Nothing could prepare them for the vomit the wailing the crying, their faces screamed make it stop.  Suddenly a pepto-bismol commercial appeared on the tellie.  It to my dismay interrupted the white fool of a president they call Bushe.  Vomit suddenly being cleaned with the power of pine-sol could finally allow my stomach to find it appetite.
As I regained my composure, I felt as if somebody was watching me from a distance.  I could see that there was a shadow of a large person watching me. I couldn’t believe someone was doing this to me? Why me? Why follow me? I had nothing of interest? Not enough money to seem attractive? And my body type couldn’t be someone’s preference? Unless the person following me didn’t care. Oh god what if they didn’t care? I start to panic more. To sweat more. How should I handle being pursued? Do I confront them first? Do I cower? Do I run? Do I faint? I don’t know. Fear has overtaken my sense of right and my fight or flight response has seemingly disappeared. I fainted. Felt my legs buckle and the next thing I noticed was the strong smell of rubbing alcohol held up to my nose in a sock that was drenched with it. “Wha.. What?”… I woke up tied to a bed, my clothes removed, I had a blind fold on but there was a slight visibility through the blind fold, but it was no use everything was dark. I can’t remember how I got here, its to fuzzy to remember the exact specifics of the night. First there was James then Bobby, Lavern and Stacy. Or was it Jim, Too many Guinness and jack Daniels made my mind wonder and 

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