Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Jack, July

 There are some comedic points in this sad existence of Jack. The way he was acting of course very erratic coming down from a high, obviously from going fast.   I learned different common phrases from being a meth addict that I of course never knew before.

 It's a shame he could not receive counseling and/or medication to treat him for his depression/guilt over the horrible tragedy his sister Lisa faced.

 (I have been Noticing that these stories link in one where another or at a minimal similarity in theme.  I either marriages that end, the military guys, the drugs and/or alcohol addictions.)

 I am offended by the fact that we are reading so much and a larger percentage of the stories are interesting and appealing in one way or another. One in four stories I don't particularly care for but the worst crime being committed here is that I'm starting to enjoy reading.  Thank you.
 That doesn't always mean that I understand what I'm reading Or have a good comprehension of the story when questioned after reading it, but that's something I'm working on.

 AnyWho, in the last third the focus goes back on Jack. Jack is clearly very troubled and won't be able to get out of it alone, without a lot of well-trained big hearted loving help.   I don't like his suicidal tendency laying on the track. And I don't like him going back to his former dealer/supplier for "comfort".

 I do like the way the story had two major twists. The first twist happened about a third into it almost halfway, the first part was mostly about Jack all Jack. Then we realize the reason Jack is the way he is is because of his sister  lisa. Jack is obviously blaming himself for the tragic accident, which theoretically could've been avoided but that's not what happened. He carries this guilt which led to his depression and I guess it was untreated or treated  unsuccessfully so he slipt  into addictions to hide from his pain, numb his pain and basically sacrificed himself and his ability to have a normal life just to avoid the pain of his guilt.

I hope future stories have a happy ending once in a while to break up the doom and gloom.

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