Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 221 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"You'll apologize if you have to" two important scenes

               In this small section read aloud in class you can see how his fighting life resembles his relationship not only with his ex-wife but also with his daughter and trainer.  this small section concludes that nothing is going to get better for Wallace and if it is it most likely is going to become worse.  Wallace shows that he is constantly trying to avoid people who knows how to stab at him the right way make him feel "normal".  Being in a lifestyle where you are a professional fighter, a person must likely think of life slightly different when it comes to issues of deflating masculinity.  Having to choose over his wife and child over a career of fighting.  
              This second scene provides more of the comfort that Wallace has been looking for.  He sort of stumbles across this one though but it seemed that this needed to happen.  He needed a third party person to listen to him without any bias opinion and if was a drunken old lady then be it.  Everyone else hadn't helped.  It is often the people who are bigger that the hit the ground harder and to see the little old delicate late actually bring some therapeutic help to Wallace it is ironic but fits perfectly to end the story. 
               The two scenes connect by providing further insight into the mind of Wallace.  It seems to be important to the author that his readers become close to all the characters.  In every environment that wallace avoids life and fate seem to bring him to where he needs to be.  He accidentally arrives at the boxing gym. He has to go seek safety and the only place he can go to is to see his kid.  He wants the paranoia to go away about cops coming to search for him so he has to go to the estuary. Out of all of those places the estuary is the only place where wallace actually chose to go to visit to seek closure and it is the only place he gets it.  i say life or fate guided him there even though he chose to go to is because of the sighting of the cop car outside of the hotel.  was it really for him?

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